Monday 1 June 2015

Shocking photo shows jet engine shell patched with tape

Pictures taken by a shocked passenger of an airport worker sticking tape onto the engine of an easyJet plane just moments before take off have been shared by tens of thousands of people online.

A passenger snapped the DIY fix it job in action of the worker applying tape over a join in the turbine casing yesterday.

The nerve jangling image has already been viewed by more than 20,000 people online.

@adtomwood posted the snap on Twitter saying: "Always worrying when easyJet are duct taping the plane together :-s #finaldestination"

The image of a man in a fluorescent yellow jacket sticking down a long line of silver tape has been widely shared on the internet.

But contrary to popular belief, it is not duct tape, the Daily Mail reports.

The silver sticky strip is believed to be speed tape, widely used in the aviation industry to carry out quick repairs on flights so as to avoid delays.

It has the appearance of duct tape, famous for its use in home DIY repairs, but its adhesive is strong enough to stick onto an airplane fuselage or wing at high speeds, which is how it won its name.

EasyJet was quick to respond to the concerned passenger on Twitter, posting: "Hi Adam, Please be reassured that the duct tape is in place as a result of some cosmetic work that is required to the aircraft paintwork.

"It is nothing structural and in no way compromises the safety of the aircraft."

He took it in good humour, replying: "Phew because we've taken off and I forgot to pack my parachute lol"

As online commentators discussed why tape was being used on a plane, one user wrote why this might happen.

"Without the tape, high-speed air can get in between the engine and the fairing and cause vibration or throw off the balance of the engine.

"Under rare circumstances the fairing can be torn off by the air pressure forming on the leading edge.

"The tape closes this gap safely, immediately reducing the chance of mechanical failure. Then they can get the plane fixed at the next convenience or service schedule."

Commenting on the photo, a safety expert at the Civil Aviation Authority told MailOnline Travel: "The image appears to show aluminium tape being applied to the aircraft.

"This tape is used as part of work to make minor repairs and is very common across the aviation sector and has been for many years now."

It is not known at which airport this maintenance work took place.

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