Sunday 15 November 2015

South African graduate Isobel Bowdery, 22, played dead to survive Paris attack, posted a photo of her bloodstained top

Isobel Bowdery, 22, of Cape Town, South Africa, knew she had to do something drastic when four ISIS militants burst into the Batalan concert hall where she was enjoying an Eagles of Death Metal show and opened fire.
As bodies and blood puddled on the floor, Isobel had the idea to play dead herself something that ultimately saved her life. Read through to learn what happened.

“Shocked and alone, I pretended to be dead for over an hour, lying among people who could see their loved ones motionless,” Isobel wrote in a lengthy Facebook post. “As i lay down in the blood of strangers and waiting for my bullet to end my mere 22 years, I envisioned every face that I have ever loved and whispered I love you. Over and over again. Reflecting on the highlights of my life.”

“Wishing that those i love knew just how much, wishing that they knew that no matter what happened to me, to keep believing in the good in people. To not let those men win. Last night, the lives of many were forever changed and it is up to us to be better people. to live lives that the innocent victims of this tragedy dreamt about but sadly will now never be able to fulfill. RIP angels. You will never be forgotten.”

Her post was accompanied by a picture of the bloody top that she was wearing at Bataclan, as she laid in pools of other victims’ blood and waited for rescue. She spent time describing the heroes of the night: The man who held her and told her everything would be okay. The woman who opened her home to people fleeing the concert hall. The friend who bought her a new outfit so she wouldn’t have to wear the blood-soaked clothes anymore. We are so glad that Isobel made it out alive, and that so many kind strangers helped others get to safety during this harrowing incident.

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