Friday 22 April 2016

Congratulations Solange Beyoncé’s Sister Is Reportedly Pregnant! Check Out Photos!

MediaTakeOut is reporting that Solange, Beyoncé’s baby sister, is pregnant with her second child.
There has been no official word from Solange at this time.
In fact, it may just be a rumor, as has happened before.

Last year, there were also stories that Solange was pregnant, and over time, they proved to be inaccurate.

If the rumor is true, this would be her second child. She has a son from her first husband, Daniel Smith.

They divorced and the youngest Knowles sibling married Alan Ferguson.

Some foreign tabloids have gone into more details as to why they believe Solange is pregnant for real this time.

She reportedly was out with her husband last night, and at dinner, they were seen making toasts, and Solange toasted with water rather than wine of champagne.

Also, she reportedly sported a baby bump.

According to MediaMass, Solange’s publicist refused to comment on the baby rumors, saying, “I don’t comment on her personal life,” she reportedly said.

Only time will tell if little Blue Ivey – sister Beyoncé’s baby girl – will be getting a new cousin, and if Solange’s son Daniel will be getting a baby brother or sister.

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