Monday, 17 August 2015

Baby girl, struck by a bullet while still in the womb, survives after 3-hour emergency caesarean

Miracle baby: One-month-old Suraiya, who was hit by a bullet in the womb when her mother was shot during a clash between two militant organisations, is finally reunited with her mother at  Najma in Dhaka, Bangladesh

This is the moment when a new mother is finally reunited with her baby daughter, who was hit by a bullet while still in her womb nearly one month ago.

The mother, only known as Najma, was shot in the abdomen while eight months pregnant with baby Suraiya, when she accidentally stepped in the line of fire as one militant political faction staged an attack on another in Magura, Bangladesh, last month.

Najma was rushed to hospital and little Suraiya was born after a three-hour emergency Cesarean and surgery and the baby girl was immediately transferred to an intensive care unit.

The bullet had gone through Suraiya's right shoulder and damaged her right eye in the womb, but amazingly did not do any permanent damage to the unborn child.

After making excellent progress, mother and daughter could be united once more at Dhaka Medical College Hospital on Sunday in front of cheering family members and medical staff.

Survivor: The bullet went through Suraiya  right shoulder and damaged her right eye, and she was born prematurely via emergency cesarean after her mother was shot in July

Happy day: Medical staff carry Suraiya to meet her mother as she is being shifted to general ward from the intensive care unit

Heroes: Suraiya was born after a three hour long operation while doctors battles to save her and her mother's life

Pure joy: Najma smiles as she is finally allowed to hold her baby daughter in her arms again after Suraiya spent nearly a month in ICU

Dramatic start: Suraiya was shot in the womb when when one political faction staged an attack on another in Magura, Bangladesh in July

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