Sunday, 16 August 2015

The lesbian couple who both used to be men, now women

It's a very modern love story with a truly unbelievable twist. When Chelsea Jade - formerly known as Jonathan - met a man willing to accept that she had been born a boy, the 28-year-old thought she'd hit the jackpot.

But just months into their relationship, her new boyfriend Craig Jones would be forced to make a startling admission - that he also wanted to become a woman.

Chelsea met car salesman Craig last year and believed she had finally found the chance to have a 'normal life'.

Despite knowing she was transgender, Craig was keen to begin a relationship and the pair quickly hit it off.

But five months later Chelsea found a series of alluring photos that Craig had uploaded to a dating site, showing the 24-year-old in high heels and short skirts.

Initially Craig played the pictures down - dismissing his cross-dressing as a sexual fetish.

But a few week later he revealed a secret that he had kept to himself since the age of eight - that he wanted to live as 'Carla'.

Chelsea is not sexually attracted to woman and was startled by the revelation, saying it came as a complete surprise as Craig was a 'masculine guy' who likes to play football.

Chelsea told The Sun: 'I didn't want to see my partner in girl's clothes. It made me uncomfortable. I'm not sexually attracted to Craig when he's Carla.'

But having gone through the same experience, Chelsea was determined not to let the news ruin the bond that they had formed.

She added: 'I didn't want anyone I cared about to go through such a bad time like I did. What kind of person would I be if I didn't help her through this?

'Of course we do have sex. But sexual attraction is not the main thing in a relationship. Love is the man thing. And I do love her.'

Chelsea Jade began life as Jonathon Conroy, enduring a difficult childhood and adolescence in County Wicklow, Ireland, because of her sexuality.

She dressed in girl's clothes from a very young age and said she always felt different to other boys - preferring dolls and skipping ropes to BMX bikes and trucks.

When she was 13, Chelsea came out as gay and says she was mercilessly teased and bullied at school, citing one incident where a classmate jabbed the sharp end of a compass into her leg.

After leaving school, she got involved in her local gay scene but still felt that she didn't truly fit in - claiming she was deeply and unhappy and even suicidal in her mid-twenties.

Then at 26, a YouTube video documenting a transgender woman's transition from male to female set alarm bells ringing in her head.

Realising this is what she wanted, she got her parents' blessing before beginning treatment - locking herself away for six months  as she took testosterone blockers and wore oestrogen patches.

She grew her hair long and her breasts started to develop - but the process was slow - and it was only when she noticed a new 'sparkle' in her eyes that she started to become satisfied with the results.

The fitness instructor claims she began to understand what it felt like to be happy despite losing friends and clients who could not accept her transition.

A major turning point came when she accompanied her mother Jeana to her friend's 50th birthday party.

Chelsea said she was so nervous, she was sweating and her fake tan was running off her face.

The situation was made worse when other guests - including old schoolmates - began to stare.

Noticing her daughter's discomfort, Chelsea's mother marched over to the group threatening to punch anyone who carried on staring.

But to Jeana and Chelsea's amazement, one of the men said he thought Chelsea was 'hot' and was planning to ask for her number.

Brimming with confidence since the early days of her transition, Chelsea has started her own YouTube channel to support others going through the same procedure.

Despite not being attracted to Carla as a woman, she insists she has no plans to desert her.

Belfast-born Carla, who works for a banking helpline,  began taking testosterone blockers in January and says she would also like rhinoplasty to reshape her nose and give her a more feminine appearance.

She says before meeting Chelsea, she never felt comfortable about who she was and was scared about what her family would think. But her friends and relatives were largely supportive.

Neither Chelsea or Carla are ruling out gender reassignment surgery in the future.

But the couple already have plenty on their plate - after Chelsea proposed on Valentine's Day.

The romantic hid the ring inside a chocolate cake and says Carla was stunned when she found it.

The unconventional couple are now planning their wedding and looking forward to a happy life together.

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