Wednesday 30 December 2015

Little girl shot in the head in gang violence


Gang violence amongst youth is a problem all over America. The epidemic is even a problem in America’s smaller cities like Chapel Hill, North Carolina. However, when gang violence erupted in the small city recently it ended in absolute horror.

An adorable 1-year-old girl was killed right on Christmas Day. The child was the victim to a stray bullet from a nearby drive-by shooting that took place in the parking lot of a housing complex. Reports say that 1-year-old Maleah and other children were playing with their Christmas gifts when the gunfire started.

Residents of Trinity Court apartments were shocked and outraged about the young life that was senselessly taken. According to reports, when the EMT workers arrived, Maleah was already in very critical condition.

“My baby was just bleeding so much and gasping for air,” the mother of Maleah told the local TV station. She continued by saying, “I kept telling her that I love her… please don’t leave me.” Tylena Williams was distraught at the loss of her child at such a young age in such a tragic way on Christmas.

The entire Chapel Hill community mourned the death of the child. Even the mayor offered words on the town website about the tragic circumstances saying, “Home. Family. Safety. We have a right to demand this as a community. Over this holiday time, I know that citizens of Chapel Hill share my sense of sorrow and outrage.”

The saddened mayor continued in her post saying, “This is a time to come together and speak out against gun violence. Our community should be a safe and peaceful place for everyone. We need greater gun control measures now that will reduce the availability of guns here and everywhere.”

A suspect was apprehended in the shooting. 22-year-old Shaquille O’neil Davis tried to offer his apologies about the tragic circumstances as he was being whisked away by authorities.

According to reports, Davis spoke directly into television cameras saying, “Tylena, I apologize. I love you. You all know I didn’t do anything to you all’s daughter. I never would do such a thing like that. You all will get to the bottom of it. I promise.”

Reports say that authorities will seek a full murder charge for the convicted shooter of little Maleah.

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