Going viral fast is an alleged stripper who flaunts her Christianity as much as her body.
She’s all over Instagram and popping up on popular stripper sites such as Locker Room.
One thing about Ms. Colada… she is Christian. and you’ll find inspirational sayings such as, “The enemy wouldn’t be fighting you this hard if he didn’t know God has something amazing in your future. Keep believing!”
Word is that the Atlanta-based beauty does sleep around and she is also an activist of sorts.
Today, for example, her Instagram account boasts photos of Dr. Martin Luther King and his wife Coretta and one of their kids as baby, as well as him on the mall in Washington, D.C., waving to the massive crowd.
She even quotes Dr. King on social media:
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”
Apparently, Ms. Colada has had a bit of trouble keeping her account on Instagram, as she reports on that she was deleted Feb. 27, 2015 and April 14, 2015.
The lovely lady has more than 27,000 followers.
Word is that the Atlanta-based beauty does sleep around and she is also an activist of sorts.New York strippers