Sunday 7 February 2016

Husband terrified as wife shows up at her own funeral

How many people try to imagine what their funeral would be like? Who will attend? Who will cry? Noela Rukundo of Melbourne, Austrailia, was able to find the answers to those questions and also shock her husband, who had reportedly paid to have her killed.

But his diabolical plot took an unusual twist, and the result was stunning to him, so much so, people thought he was going to have a heart attack on the spot.

Noela was to fly from Melbourne to Burundi for a family gathering, but when she got there, some men approached and her and kidnapped her at gunpoint.

They explained to her that her husband had paid them to have her killed.

However, the men reportedly told her that because she was a woman, that they were not going to execute her. Instead, they provided her with evidence against her husband and let her go.

She called her pastor and he helped her arrange a way to come back to Melbourne in secret and show up at the funeral her husband had planned for her.

According to the story in the Washington Post, Noela sat in a parked car outside of the funeral home, watching all the people go in and out of the funeral home to mourn her. When she saw her husband coming out, she got out of the car.

“Surprise! I’m still alive!” she said right to his face.

Reportedly, her husband put his hands to his head and cried out, “Is it a ghost?”

Noela told the BBC that he then touched her shoulder to see if she was real. He jumped and then started screaming, “I’m sorry for everything.”

The husband, Balenga Kalala, was arrested and sentenced to nine years for inciting murder.

According to the Australian newspaper The Age, Kalala had paid the men $7,000 (Australian dollars) to carry out the hit.

Why was he trying to kill his wife of 10 years?

Reportedly, he thought she was going to leave him for another man, something that she adamantly denies.

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